Postage stamps have existed since 1840. All countries issue stamps and many of them use stamps as a way to publicise their culture or special occasions. Stamps are also issued on almost every subject you can think of.

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1978, Europa CEPT, achitecture 2v

13 Feb 2024
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st joan de caselles

Main product: sas0115 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1978 Nr. Fsc: 27802 Nr. Scott: 103/04 Nr. Yvert: 108/09 Nr. Michel: 115/16
1 x 1.30
Mint NH
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1 x 0.90
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1 x 2.00
First Day Cover
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1979, Europa CEPT, postal history 2v

13 Feb 2024
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postautobus 1912

Main product: sas0123 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1979 Nr. Fsc: 27902 Nr. Scott: 111/12 Nr. Yvert: 116/17 Nr. Michel: 123/24 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 111/12
1 x 1.10
Mint NH
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1 x 0.70
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1 x 1.50
First Day Cover
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1979, Int. year of the child 1v

13 Feb 2024
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Main product: sas0125 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1979 Nr. Fsc: 27903 Nr. Scott: 113 Nr. Yvert: 118 Nr. Michel: 125 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 113
1 x 1.00
Mint NH
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1982, Europa CEPT, history 2v

13 Feb 2024
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Main product: sas0153 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1982 Nr. Fsc: 28202 Nr. Scott: 143/44 Nr. Yvert: 146/47 Nr. Michel: 153/54 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 143/44
1 x 1.30
Mint NH
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1 x 1.00
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1 x 1.00
First Day Cover
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Main product: sas0221 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1991 Nr. Fsc: 29102 Nr. Scott: 212/13 Nr. Michel: 221/22
1 x 2.50
Mint NH
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1993, Europa, modern art 2v

13 Feb 2024
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angel calvente, john alan morrison

Main product: sas0232 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1993 Nr. Fsc: 29302 Nr. Scott: 223/24 Nr. Michel: 232/33 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 223/24
1 x 1.90
Mint NH
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1983, Europa CEPT, human mind 2v

13 Feb 2024
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la cortinada,

Main product: sas0165 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1983 Nr. Fsc: 28301 Nr. Scott: 153/54 Nr. Yvert: 158/59 Nr. Michel: 165/66 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 153/54
1 x 1.50
Mint NH
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1 x 1.20
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1 x 2.10
First Day Cover
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1995, Europa, peace & freedom 1v

13 Feb 2024
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Main product: sas0243 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1995 Nr. Fsc: 29502 Nr. Scott: 234 Nr. Michel: 243 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 234
1 x 1.30
Mint NH
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1 x 1.00
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1 x 1.50
First Day Cover
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1996, Europa, Isabelle Sandy 1v

13 Feb 2024
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Main product: sas0248 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1996 Nr. Fsc: 29602 Nr. Scott: 239 Nr. Michel: 248
1 x 1.40
Mint NH
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1997, Europa, legends 1v

13 Feb 2024
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Main product: sas0253 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1997 Nr. Fsc: 29702 Nr. Michel: 253
1 x 1.50
Mint NH
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1984, Europa CEPT 2v

20 Apr 2024
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Main product: sas0175 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1984 Nr. Fsc: 28403 Nr. Scott: 162/63 Nr. Yvert: 167/68 Nr. Michel: 175/76 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 174/75
1 x 1.30
Mint NH
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1 x 1.00
Used or CTO
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1985, Europa CEPT, music 2v

13 Feb 2024
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mossen enric marfany

Main product: sas0181 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1985 Nr. Fsc: 28501 Nr. Scott: 167/68 Nr. Yvert: 172/73 Nr. Michel: 181/82 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 180/81
1 x 1.40
Mint NH
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1986, Europa CEPT, environment 2v

13 Feb 2024
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Main product: sas0188 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1986 Nr. Fsc: 28602 Nr. Scott: 173/74 Nr. Yvert: 178/79 Nr. Michel: 188/89 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 173/74
1 x 1.70
Mint NH
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1989, Europa CEPT, children games 2v

13 Feb 2024
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Main product: sas0209 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1989 Nr. Fsc: 28901 Nr. Scott: 200/01 Nr. Michel: 209/10
1 x 1.50
Mint NH
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1 x 2.00
First Day Cover
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1998, Europa, carnival 1v

13 Feb 2024
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Main product: sas0259 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1998 Nr. Fsc: 29803 Nr. Scott: 250 Nr. Yvert: 249 Nr. Michel: 259
1 x 1.00
Mint NH
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Main product: sas0193 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1987 Nr. Fsc: 28702 Nr. Scott: 178/79 Nr. Yvert: 183/84 Nr. Michel: 193/94 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 178/79
1 x 1.30
Mint NH
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1979, Christmas 2v

13 Feb 2024
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Main product: sas0126 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1979 Nr. Fsc: 27904 Nr. Scott: 114/15 Nr. Yvert: 119/20 Nr. Michel: 126/27 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 114/15
1 x 0.90
Mint NH
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1979, Bishops of Urgel 3v

13 Feb 2024
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Main product: sas0128 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1979 Nr. Fsc: 27905 Nr. Scott: 116/18 Nr. Yvert: 121/23 Nr. Michel: 128/30 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 116/18
1 x 0.80
Mint NH
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1980, Olympic Games Moscow 3v

13 Feb 2024
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Main product: sas0133 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1980 Nr. Fsc: 28002 Nr. Scott: 121/23 Nr. Yvert: 126/28 Nr. Michel: 133/35 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 121/23
1 x 1.20
Mint NH
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1980, Christmas 2v

13 Feb 2024
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Main product: sas0136 Country: Andorra, Spanish Post Year: 1980 Nr. Fsc: 28003 Nr. Scott: 124/25 Nr. Yvert: 129/30 Nr. Michel: 136/37 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 124/25
1 x 0.90
Mint NH
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